Search for tag: "lecture"

8. Working efficiently with data (Lecture)

OutlineEfficient file I/O in HPC systems Using Allas in batch scripts Moving data to/from Allas, IDA and LUMI-O Transferring data in sensitive data computing Cleaning and backing up data Working with…

From  Maria Lehtivaara 0 likes 0 plays

11. How to speed up jobs (Lecture)

OutlineHow to choose your software Speeding up jobs through parallel programming Benefits and pitfalls of workflows and high-throughput computing

From  Maria Lehtivaara 0 likes 1 plays

10. Containers and Apptainer (Lecture)

Introduction to Apptainer/Singularity containers

From  Maria Lehtivaara 0 likes 1 plays

9. Installing own software (Lecture)

This topic is about installing your own software on the CSC servers.

From  Maria Lehtivaara 0 likes 1 plays

6. Batch job resource usage (Essential Tutorial)

Hands-on Essential Tutorial for Understanding the Usage of Sacct and Seff

From  TET Harjoittelija 0 likes 6 plays

4. Modules And Pre-Installed Software (Lecture)

The module system and how to use it on CSC supercomputers.

From  TET Harjoittelija 0 likes 4 plays

5. Batch Job System In CSC's HPC Environment (Lecture)

Lecture for the Batch Job System for super computing

From  TET Harjoittelija 0 likes 8 plays

7. Allas Object Storage Service (Lecture)

This topic is about using Allas and storing data

From  TET Harjoittelija 0 likes 2 plays

3. Disk areas in CSC's HPC environment (Lecture)

In this section, you will learn how to work in different disk areas in CSC's HPC environment

From  TET Harjoittelija 0 likes 4 plays