Elmer/Ice flowline test example: How to get a mesh from input files (using Gmsh and ElmerGrid)
Introduction to the course in November 2020
Elmer/Ice flowline test example: Introductory part
Video showing installation procedure of VirtualBox application inside Mac OS X and thereafter the installation of the Linux course virtual appliance inside VirtualBox
Elmer/Ice flowline test example: Detailed discussion of the Solver Input FIle (SIF) - this is the main part of the online video
Elmer/Ice flowline test example: Discussion of problem physics and boundary conditions
This video explains about Listing of files and directories
A short guide through the structure of the SIF (Solver Input File) of Elmer. The different sections, input methods of dependencies, basic methods for selecting linear, non-linear and temporal…
Elmer/Ice flowline test example: How to launch the simulation and some hints on post-processing using ParaView
Elmer/Ice flowline test example: Replacing the no-slip with a tangential slip condition and some hints on comparative post-processing in ParaView
Elmer/ice flowline test example: prognostic simulation
Setup of a 3D Elmer/Ice simulation explained along the example of a small Alpine glacier (Tete Rousse, Mt. Blanc massif). This lecture contains the setup of a simulation using digital elevation…
Adding heat transfer to a diagnostic mechanical glacier flow problem
This video deals with the question: What is a shell?
This video explains how to navigate and manipulate directories in Linux
This video explains the manipulation of (text) files and their contents.